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Kjenn din BMR og kjenn din egen kropp - Arono
https://arono.no › Vægttab › Kalorier
"BMR" står for "basal metabolic rate", og det betyr på god gammel dansk "basal metabolism. Med andre ord energien som kroppen bruker når den er ...
Basal metabolic rate - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › B...
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the rate of energy expenditure per unit time by endothermic animals at rest. ... It is reported in energy units per unit time ...
BMR Calculator: Learn Your Basal Metabolic Rate for Weight ...
https://www.bodybuilding.com › fun
Everybody requires a minimum number of calories to live. This minimum number is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR is the ...
"Basal metabolic rate"/ Hvilestoffskifte - Vektklubb
https://www.vektklubb.no › artikkel › basal-metabolic-r...
Hei Wenche! Basal metabolic rate betyr rett og slett hvilestoffskifte, hvileforbrenning eller basalforbrenning på norsk. Det er det du forbrenner av kalorier i ...
Basal metabolic rate - Wikipedia
The body's generation of heat is known as thermogenesis and it can be measured to determine the amount of energy expended. BMR generally decreases with age, and with the decrease in lean body mass (as may happen with aging). Increasing muscle mass has the effect of increasing BMR. Aerobic (resistance) fitness level, a product of cardiovascular exercise, while previously thought to have effect on BMR, has been shown in the 1990s not to correlate with BMR when adj…
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator | ACTIVE
BMR Calculator. Basal Metabolic Rate is the number of calories required to keep your body functioning at rest. BMR is also known as your body’s metabolism; therefore, any increase to your metabolic weight, such as exercise, will increase your BMR. To get your BMR, simply input your height, gender, age and weight below.
BMR-kalkylator (Basal Metabolic Rate) | MyFitnessPal.com
Din BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) är en uppskattning av hur många kalorier du skulle förbränna om du inte gjorde någonting annat än att vila i 24 timmar. Den representerar det minimum av energi som behövs för att hålla igång din kropp, inklusive att andas och hålla igång ditt hjärta. Din BMR inkluderar inte de kalorier du förbränner ...
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator | ACTIVE
https://www.active.com › calculators
Basal Metabolic Rate is the number of calories required to keep your body functioning at rest. BMR is also known as your body's metabolism; therefore, ...
BMR kalkulator | Finn ditt kaloribehov for å maksimere vekttap
https://www.sweat.no › bmr-kalkulator
Hvileforbrenning avhenger av BMR, eller Basal Metabolic Rate som det står for, og dette poengterer minimum antall kalorier du trenger for å holde vitale organer ...
BMR - Trening.no
01.10.2010 · BMR kalkulator beregner energiforbruk i hvile. Kalkulator for grunnforbrenning (Basal Metabolic Rate) har mange likheter med hvileforbrenning (Resting Metabolic Rate) som er energiforbruket i hvile i omgivelser med normal temperaur og når fordøyelsessystemet er inaktivt (noe som krever 12 timers faste hos mennesker).
Matvareguiden. BMR kalkulator
BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) er antall kalorier som kroppen trenger for å gjennomføre vanlige kroppsfunksjoner som hjerteslag, pusting, kroppstemperatur mm. Denne verdien kan du så gange opp med graden av aktivitet. Kalkulatorens verdier er …
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator | ACTIVE
www.active.com › fitness › calculators
Basal Metabolic Rate is the number of calories required to keep your body functioning at rest. BMR is also known as your body’s metabolism; therefore, any increase to your metabolic weight, such as exercise, will increase your BMR. To get your BMR, simply input your height, gender, age and weight below.
Beregn din hvileforbrenning (BMR) - Thor Nutrition
https://thornutrition.net › bmr
På engelsk brukes Basal Metabolic Rate, som forkortes BMR. Det finnes mange ulike ligninger og tabeller for å beregne hvileforbrenningen.
Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate to Lose Weight
28.02.2021 · Calculate Your BMR . If you are looking to reach or maintain a healthy weight may find it helpful to calculate your BMR. You can either find the number using a formula designed by scientists, you can get it tested in a lab, or you can use an online calculator. No method is perfectly accurate, but a lab test will probably give you the best estimate.
Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate to Lose Weight
www.verywellfit.com › what-is-bmr-or-basal
Feb 28, 2021 · Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the total number of calories that your body needs to perform basic, life-sustaining functions. These basal functions include circulation, breathing, cell production, nutrient processing, protein synthesis, and ion transport. You can calculate the basal metabolic rate using a mathematical formula.
BMR Calculator: Learn Your Basal Metabolic Rate for Weight ...
28.04.2021 · BMR and RMR numbers are typically close enough to be interchangeable, but if you're calculating your needs in order to gain or lose weight, pay attention to which number an equation calls for. If it's based on BMR, you can use the calculator above to get an estimate.
BMR kalkulator - Matvareguiden
https://www.matvareguiden.no › sider › bmr
BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) er antall kalorier som kroppen trenger for å gjennomføre vanlige kroppsfunksjoner som hjerteslag, pusting, kroppstemperatur mm.
BMR Calculator
https://www.calculator.net › bmr-c...
This free BMR calculator estimates basal metabolic rate based on well-known formulas. Learn more about variables that affect BMR, and explore hundreds of ...
BMR Calculator: Learn Your Basal Metabolic Rate for Weight Loss
www.bodybuilding.com › fun › bmr_calculator
Jul 27, 2021 · Since your basal metabolic rate is based largely on involuntary functions like breathing and pumping blood, changes in your day-to-day activity don't do much to raise or lower this number. However, increasing muscle mass does increase BMR, because muscle is metabolically "hungry" and it takes more energy to maintain more muscle.
BMR Calculator
BMR Calculator. The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator estimates your basal metabolic rate—the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment, and in a post-absorptive state (meaning that the digestive system is inactive, which requires about 12 hours of fasting).
BMR Calculator
www.calculator.net › bmr
BMR Calculator. The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator estimates your basal metabolic rate—the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment, and in a post-absorptive state (meaning that the digestive system is inactive, which requires about 12 hours of fasting).
What Is Basal Metabolic Rate? - Healthline
12.11.2018 · Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body needs to accomplish its most basic (basal) life-sustaining functions, such as breathing, circulation, nutrient processing, and ...
BMR Suspension - Performance Suspension & Chassis Parts
BMR turned this market void into a business philosophy, and has been serving our customer's needs ever since. Currently offering chassis, suspension, and drivetrain products for 22 different vehicles, BMR is the leading suspension manufacturer in many of the market segments that it serves.
BMR Calculator - Calculate your BMR and Calorie Needs
BMR = (13.7516 x weight + 5.0033 x height – 6.755 x age + 66.473) kcal/day. For Women: BMR = (9.5634 x weight + 1.8496 x height – 4.6756 x age + 655.0955) kcal/day. Similarly to the above formula by MD Miffin and ST St Jeor, weight is in Kilograms, height is in centimeters and age is in years. Some studies have shown the equation by MD ...
BMR - Trening.no
https://www.trening.no › kalkulatorer › bmr
BMR kalkulator beregner energiforbruk i hvile. Kalkulator for grunnforbrenning (Basal Metabolic Rate) har mange likheter med ...