BMW i3 - Terjes biler · 2015 BMW i3 Når jeg slipper opp gassen sier den «Zzzz» og stanser foran fotgjengerfeltet. Look-and-feel – Futuristisk tenkte jeg, i det jeg satte meg inn i i3’en. Det rammeløse sidevinduet går automatisk litt ned når man åpner døren. Rene linjer, flatskjerm og elektronikk – et miljø for smarte mennesker i kontordresser og nette drakter […]
BMW i3 - Wikipedia i3 was the first mass production car with most of its internal structure and body made of carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP). BMW took advantage of the absence of a forward internal combustion engine, giving the i3 a "clean sheet design" with a sports-like appearance. The i3 has door panels made of hemp, which mixed with plastic helps lower the weight of each panel by about 10%. H…
BMW i3 - Wikipedia › wiki › BMW_i3The BMW i3 is a B-segment, high-roof hatchback manufactured and marketed by BMW with an electric powertrain using rear wheel drive via a single-speed transmission and an underfloor Li-ion battery pack and an optional range-extending petrol engine.