BMI-Kalkulator - Regn ut din BMI
www.bmi-kalkulator.no7 rader · Body Mass Index (BMI) (eller kroppsmasseindeks) er en formel som indikerer om en person er er over- eller undervektig eller har normal vekt.Formelen er ikke helt eksakt. BMI-verdien for kroppsbyggere og personer med tung benbygning kan ha …
BMI Rechner online - kostenlos berechnen - Body Mass Index
https://www.bmi-rechner.netBody Mass Index. Hier können Sie Ihren BMI berechnen. Desweiteren finden Sie Informationen zum Thema Body Mass Index. Bitte geben Sie das Gewicht in ganzen Kilogramm an. Bitte ohne Kommas. Runden Sie bitte das Gewicht. Bsp.: Sie wiegen 74.6 kg - geben Sie dann bitte die Zahl 75 ein. Bitte geben Sie die Körpergröße in cm an, nicht in Meter ...
Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator › healthy › eat-healthy-get-active18.5-24.9. Normal weight. 25-29.9. Overweight. 30 and higher. Obese. Note: The BMI may not be accurate for people with greater muscle mass (such as athletes) or in older people and others who have lost muscle mass. If you are overweight or obese, even a small weight loss (10% of your current weight) can lower your risk of several diseases ...
BMI Calculator free Body Mass Index calculator gives out the BMI value and categorizes BMI based on provided information. It includes reference charts and tables, from the World Health Organization as well as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for both children and adults. Explore many other health and fitness calculators, as well as hundreds of calculators addressing finance, …
BMI - Store medisinske leksikon · BMI, også kalt KMI (kroppsmasseindeks), uttrykker forholdet mellom vekt og høyde, og er en mye brukt indikator på overvekt og fedme. BMI defineres som kroppsvekten delt på kvadratet av høyden angitt i meter – kilogram per kvadratmeter (kg/m²). Faktaboks. Etymologi. fra engelsk body mass index. Også kjent som.
BMI Calculator › bmi-calculatorThe Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator can be used to calculate BMI value and corresponding weight status while taking age into consideration. Use the "Metric Units" tab for the International System of Units or the "Other Units" tab to convert units into either US or metric units.
Body mass index - Wikipedia mass index (BMI) is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of a person. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is expressed in units of kg/m , resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres. The BMI may be determined using a table or chart which displays BMI as a function of mass and height using contour lines or colours for different BMI categories, and which may use other unit…