Building a Bodybuilder Back - T NATION › building-a-bodybuilder-backSep 23, 2009 · In fact, the coveted "Christmas tree" appearance that's often seen in the lower back has far more to do with lat thickness and lack of body fat than development of the spinal erectors. As a general rule, doing deadlift variations, barbell squats, and some barbell rowing will take care of your lower back in terms of strength and development.
Christmas tree(back) - Forums › showthreadApr 15, 2007 · Location: Oklahoma, United States. Age: 35. Posts: 6,182. Rep Power: 5353. i'd say the deadlift is the best way to develop the christmas tree. TEAM NORTON. The"Outwork" mindset changed my entire life, perhaps it can help you as well. Muscle Hypertrophy occurs independent of exercise intensity. 04-15-2007, 09:39 AM #3.