Boeing 707 – Wikipedia 707 var Boeings første kommersielle jetfly.Prototypen, med kjælenavnet Dash 80, fløy jomfruturen den 15. juli 1954 som Model 367-80.Flyet hadde fire Pratt & Whitney JT3 jetmotorer.. Den første kommersielle flyvningen ble gjennomført av Pan Am den 26. oktober 1958 med åpningen av en transatlantisk jetrute fra New York til Paris.. Ved en rekke oppgraderinger, blant …
Boeing 707 - Wikipedia certified as Series 100s, 200s, 300s, etc., the different 707 variants are more commonly known as Series 120s, 220s, 320s, and so on, where the "20" part of the designation is Boeing's "customer number" for its development aircraft. Announced in July 1957 as a derivative for shorter flights from shorter runway…
Boeing 707 - Wikipedia › wiki › Boeing_707Boeing's answer to the problem was the first wide-body airliner—the Boeing 747. The 707's first-generation engine technology was also rapidly becoming obsolete in the areas of noise and fuel economy, especially after the 1973 oil crisis. [citation needed]