Boeing 767-300 ER. Im Frühjahr 2016 erweiterte Icelandair seine Flotte um zwei Großraumflugzeuge vom Typ Boeing 767-300. Diese Maschinen sind größer als die 757. Durch ihre höhere Sitzplatzkapazität und längere Reichweite eignen sie sich ideal für Nonstop-Langstreckenflüge. Die Boeing 767 ist ein mittelgroßes zweimotoriges ...
Boeing 767-300 ER In spring 2016, Icelandair added two wide-body Boeing 767-300s to its fleet. These aircraft are larger than the 757s, and their greater seating capacity and extended flight range make them ideally suited for non-stop long-haul flights.
17.11.2021 · Icelandair flies a total of four Boeing 767-300ERs. Photo: Vincenzo Pace | Simple Flying. Stay informed: Sign up for our daily and weekly aviation news digests. The final leg. Of course, the most interesting part of flight FI1010’s journey was the final leg, which took it from South Africa to Antarctica.
For your next Icelandair flight, use this seating chart to get the most comfortable seats, legroom, and recline on . ... Icelandair. Boeing 767-300ER (76W).
The Boeing 767 in the Icelandair configuration has 262 seats, on some routes this means an increase of 44 percent in capacity compared to the smaller Boeing 757 ...
Boeing 767-300 ER Våren 2016 la Icelandair til to brede Boeing 767-300-fly til flåten sin. Disse flyene er større enn 757s, og den større sitteplasskapasiteten og det utvidede flyvningsområdet gjør dem ideelle for langdistanseflygninger uten stopp.
Boeing 767-300 ER Våren 2016 la Icelandair til to brede Boeing 767-300-fly til flåten sin. Disse flyene er større enn 757s, og den større sitteplasskapasiteten og utvidede flyvningsområdet gjør dem ideelle for langdistanseflygninger uten stopp.