Ownership and Operating Costs | BOEING BBJ3
https://www.aircraftcostcalculator.com/.../154/Boeing+BBJ3A $42,000,000.00 loan over 120 months including $175000 per month in interest equates to a $2,106,036.01 per-period payment. Based on 450 annual owner-operated hours and $4.25-per-gallon fuel cost, the BOEING BBJ3 has total variable costs of $1,990,575.00, total fixed costs of $391,420.00, and an annual budget of $2,381,995.00.
BOEING BBJ operating costs, price and specs
myaircraftcost.com › boeing-bbjMar 31, 2021 · BOEING BBJ Price and Operating Costs Specifications The BOEING BBJ, production in 1998-2019, requires a two man crew and can be configured in 19 seats. Maximum operating altitude of 41,000′, a optimal cruise speed of 470 knots/541 MPH, and a 5,987 NM/6,897 SM seats-full range. The BOEING BBJ has a 5,987′ runway length (or runway… Read More »BOEING BBJ
Ownership and Operating Costs | BOEING BBJ
https://www.aircraftcostcalculator.com/AircraftOperatingCosts/152/Boeing+BBJA $30,650,000.00 loan over 120 months including $127708.33 per month in interest equates to a $1,536,904.85 per-period payment. Based on 450 annual owner-operated hours and $4.25-per-gallon fuel cost, the BOEING BBJ has total variable costs of $1,926,225.00, total fixed costs of $357,220.00, and an annual budget of $2,283,445.00.
BOEING BBJ operating costs, price and specs
https://myaircraftcost.com/boeing-bbj31.03.2021 · A $30,650,000.00 loan over 10 years including $127708.33 per month in interest equates to a $1,536,904.85 per-month payment. Based on 450 hours a year and fuel cost at $4.25 per-gallon, the BOEING BBJ has total variable costs of $1,926,225.00, total fixed costs of $783,272.00, and hypothetical summary cost of $2,709,497.00.