BookBites | World's best digital reading experience is an innovative reading app that harnesses the digital format to transform reading experiences and increase motivation. With BookBites, books are divided up into palatable, time-based segments, or “bites.” The amount and length of these bites automatically adapt to suit the student’s individual reading level and speed.
BookBites | World's best digital reading experience › enBookBites is an innovative reading app that harnesses the digital format to transform reading experiences and increase motivation. With BookBites, books are divided up into palatable, time-based segments, or “bites.” The amount and length of these bites automatically adapt to suit the student’s individual reading level and speed.
BookBites Bibliotek – Apper på Google Play › store › appsBookBites Bibliotek. BookBites er en app for å låne, lese og lytte til e-bøker og e-lydbøker. Alle kan laste ned appen og opprette en bruker, men for å låne bøker må du ha lånekort på et bibliotek som bruker BookBites til å låne ut digitale bøker. BookBites brukes av bibliotekene i fylkene Agder, Innlandet, Møre og Romsdal ...
BookBites Bibliotek - Apps on Google Play › store › appsDec 07, 2021 · BookBites is an app for borrowing, reading and listening to e-books and e-audiobooks. Anyone can download the app and create a user, but to borrow books you must have a library card that uses BookBites to lend digital books. BookBites is used by the libraries in the counties of Agder, Innlandet, Møre og Romsdal, Nordland, Troms and Finnmark ...