BookBites | BookTrib › bookbitesBookBites BookTrib 2021-11-08T13:01:38-05:00 BookBites is a syndicated column written by BookTrib’s editors highlighting four exciting books from new and emerging authors and reaching millions of readers around the country .
ONYX BOOX Poke eReader :: ONYX BOOX electronic books BOOX Poke. Description. Photos. Features. Reviews. 6 inch and 300 ppi - the highest resolution E Ink display, readable directly in the sunlight without glare and you can read hours without eye strain. Brand new front-light technology, with two light hues (warm and cold), can be tailored to the level where your eyes feel most comfortable with.
Ally-Gator Book Bites | Lake Charles, LA
allygatorbookbites.comAlly-Gator Book Bites prints high-quality books that foster a love of reading in children, teens and young adults. Our lead publisher, Tommie LaBorde Townsley, started publishing her own children's books in 2005. She loves writing stories that reflect her local region.
BookBites | World's best digital reading experience › enBookBites is an innovative reading app that harnesses the digital format to transform reading experiences and increase motivation. With BookBites, books are divided up into palatable, time-based segments, or “bites.” The amount and length of these bites automatically adapt to suit the student’s individual reading level and speed.