20 Best Bootstrap 5 Website Templates 2022 - Colorlib
colorlib.com › wp › catThe most excellent, easy-to-use, and highly flexible Bootstrap 5 website templates for any business or project. You can use them for agencies, companies, startups, travel, lawyers, real estate, and the list goes on. These remarkable page canvases follow all the latest trends and regulations of the web, ensuring first-class performance at all times.
Examples · Bootstrap v5.0
https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/examplesBrand new components and templates to help folks quickly get started with Bootstrap and demonstrate best practices for adding onto the framework. Album. Simple one-page template for photo galleries, portfolios, and more. Pricing. Example pricing page built with Cards and featuring a custom header and footer.
Bootstrap 5 Temlates | BootstrapMade
bootstrapmade.com › bootstrap-5-templatesDownload high quality website templates created with Bootstrap 5! Bootstrap 5 is a major release and comes with many improvements and features that will simplify building new websites. As always, the official Bootstrap documentation page is the best place to start and learn everything about Bootstrap, its features and components.