Methods · Bootstrap Table › docs › apiDetail: Collapse the row that has the uniqueId passed by parameter if the detail view option is set to true. Example: Expand/Collapse Row by uniqueId. destroy. Parameter: undefined. Detail: Destroy the Bootstrap Table. Example: Destroy. expandAllRows. Parameter: undefined. Detail: Expand all rows if the detail view option is set to true ...
Table Options · Bootstrap Table The class name of table thead. Bootstrap v4, use the modifier classes .thead-light or .thead-dark to make theads appear light or dark gray. Default: '' Example: Thead Classes. rowStyle. Attribute: data-row-style. Type: Function. Detail: The row style formatter function, takes two parameters: row: the row record data. index: the row ...
Table Options · Bootstrap Table › docs › apiDetail: This option allows creating/adding custom button (s) to “buttonbar” (top right of the table). This buttons can be sorted with the table option buttonsOrder, the used key/name for the event should be used for that! The custom button is highly configurable, the following options exists: text.
Methods · Bootstrap Table Remove data from table, the row that contains the id passed by parameter. Example: Remove By Unique Id. resetSearch. Parameter: text. Detail: Set the search text. Example: Reset Search. resetView. Parameter: params. Detail: Reset the Bootstrap Table view, for example reset the table height, the params contain: height: the height of the ...