al borde
www.albordearq.comProyectos_Projects. Diseño de Interes Publico_Public Interest Design; Vivienda_Housing; Academia_Academy
Boundary Conditions -- from Wolfram MathWorld › BoundaryConditions2 days ago · There are three types of boundary conditions commonly encountered in the solution of partial differential equations: 1. Dirichlet boundary conditions specify the value of the function on a surface T=f(r,t). 2. Neumann boundary conditions specify the normal derivative of the function on a surface, (partialT)/(partialn)=n^^·del T=f(r,t). 3. Robin boundary conditions. For an elliptic partial ...
borde - Wiktionary · borde m ( plural bordes ) edge, border, brink, verge, rim, margin. brim, rim, lip (top edge of a vessel or container) side (of the road, highway, freeway, etc.) ledge (of a window) edging, fringe (shaping or dressing the edge of something)
borde - Wiktionary (bokmål/riksmål/nynorsk) Legge sitt skip inntil et annet og gå ombord i dette. Etymologi . Dette ordet har ikke fått spesifisert noen etymologi. Hvis du kjenner opphavet til dette ordet, legg det til som beskrevet her. Grammatikk . Bøyning (regelrett) Infinitiv Presens Preteritum Perfektum ...
borde - Wiktionary › wiki › bordeBøyning (regelrett). Infinitiv, Presens, Preteritum, Perfektum, Imperativ, Presens partisipp, Passiv, . å borde, borda · bordar · borda, har borda · bord, ...