Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word bordereaux. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: bordereaux (Noun) Plural form of bordereau. How to pronounce bordereaux? Alex US English Daniel British Karen Australian Veena Indian How to say bordereaux in sign language? Numerology Chaldean Numerology
Bordereaux: A Bordereaux or Loss Bordereaux is a report issued by the cedent ( the insurer purchasing the reinsurance) usually on a quarterly basis that shows ...
29.12.2021 · Bordereaux definition: a memorandum or invoice prepared for a company by an underwriter , containing a list of... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Bordereaux definition: a memorandum or invoice prepared for a company by an underwriter , containing a list of... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and ...
26.02.2021 · A bordereau is a report from an insurance company to its reinsurer listing either the assets covered or the actual claims paid. The report is compiled and sent periodically to keep the reinsurer...
30.09.2021 · A bordereau is a document produced by an insurance company that either lists information about a high-value asset (ownership names, contact info, period covered) or claims paid for one particular risk during a time period. This document is given to a reinsurer. A reinsurer is essentially the insurance company for the insurance company.
01.03.2021 · The term bordereau is used to describe most lists or reports of premium or losses required under the reinsurance contract from the reinsured to the reinsurer. In the facultative context, where an individual risk is reinsured, a bordereau is not necessary.
Definition of Bordereau: A method of reporting shipments to an insurance company under an open insurance policy. An insurance form similar to a declaration, ...
bordereau (redirected from bordereaux) Also found in: Financial . bor·de·reau (bôr′də-rō′) n. pl. bor·de·reaux (-rō′) A detailed memorandum, especially one that lists documents or accounts. [French, probably from bord, edge, margin, from Old French bort, of Germanic origin .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
bordereau / ( ˌbɔːdəˈrəʊ, French bɔrdəro) / noun plural -reaux (-ˈrəʊ, -ˈrəʊz, French -ro) a memorandum or invoice prepared for a company by an underwriter, containing a list of …