The College Club of Boston
thecollegeclubofboston.comMay 29, 2021 · The College Club Scholarship Fund. The College Club Scholarship Fund, Inc. was established in 1985 as a 501(C)(3) to provide scholarships to Boston public high school seniors to assist them with the financing of a college education. The annual award ceremony is one of the Club’s highlights.
Student Organizations - Campus Life - Boston College › bc-web › campus-lifeChess Club. Chemistry Club - American Chemical Society Student Chapter. Chinese Students Association. Christian Legal Society, BC Law School. Circle K. Class Councils. Climate Justice at Boston College. Club Sports Executive Board. Coaching Corps. College Bowl. College Democrats. College Republicans. Committee for Creative Enactments. Common ...
Outdoors Club Boston College - Home
https://outdoorsclubbc.weebly.comThe Outdoors Club of Boston College works to create a strong community based on an appreciation for the outdoors. We connect students to nature in a fun, safe and educational manner, and we are open to students of all experience levels. Our trips are all organized by students, for students, and come in a wide array of commitment and experience.