Home - ImprovBoston
www.improvboston.comVisit the Boston Department of Public Health or www.cdc.gov for additional resources and information. The Department of Public Health or the CDC may change recommendations as the situation evolves, and we will adapt our policies accordingly. Please stay safe out there, and thank you for being a part of the ImprovBoston world.
Public Health | Boston.gov
https://www.boston.gov/departments/city-council/public-health01.04.2016 · We're concerned with issues affecting community health centers and public health nonprofits and recovery programs. We also focus on the care of people dealing with mental illness, or seeking help with substance abuse and recovery. Still have questions? Contact: City Council 617-635-3040 city.council@boston.gov 1 City Hall Square Room 550
Internships at DPH | Mass.gov
https://www.mass.gov/info-details/internships-at-dph17.08.2020 · The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) offers internships for undergraduate, masters and doctoral level students. The majority of these internships are unpaid. There are separate internship programs which places volunteers and graduate students in local and regional health departments throughout Massachusetts as well as within DPH.
Boston Public Health Commission - Home
https://www.bphc.org/Pages/default.aspxWeather Advisory. The City of Boston has declared a weather emergency for Tuesday, March 13, 2018. Woods Mullen Shelter, 112 Southampton St. Shelter, and other critical service centers will remain open. All BPHC staff who perform duties in departments or programs that deliver 24-hour or other critical services are required to report to work as scheduled.