Boston (groupe) — Wikipédia est un groupe américain de hard rock, originaire de Boston, dans le Massachusetts. Il est formé en 1976 par Tom Scholz avec le chanteur Brad Delp. Le premier album de Boston, intitulé Boston, sorti en 1976 et enregistré dans le studio personnel de Tom Scholz par lui-même et Brad Delp, fait partie des dix albums les plus vendus aux États-Unis avec 17 millions d'exemplaires écoulés. …
1-48 sur 242 résultats pour "boston groupe de rock" - Amazon › boston-gr...Giants Of Rock. de Boston, Scorpions, Toto, Uriah Heep, Alice Cooper, Steppenwolf, Styx, Patti Smith Group, Manfred Mann's Earthband, The Kinks, ...
Boston (band) - Wikipedia is an American rock band from namesake Boston, Massachusetts, that had its most notable successes during the 1970s and 1980s. The band's core members on their most popular recordings included multi-instrumentalist founder and leader Tom Scholz, who played the majority of instruments on
Boston music, videos, stats, and photos | · Boston is a rock band that formed in 1974 in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Centered on guitarist, songwriter, and producer Tom Scholz, a former product designer at Polaroid Corporation and an MIT engineering student, the band's best known works include the popular singles " More Than a Feeling ", " Peace of Mind ", " Foreplay/Long ...