Boston Junior Eagles
www.bostonjunioreagles.comThe Boston Jr. Eagles are excited to announce a player development partnership with Power Edge Pro Hockey (PEP). PEP’s Reactive Countering Training TM concept is the type of innovative skill development that will greatly impact our organization.
Boston Junior Eagles
www.bostonjunioreagles.comThe Boston Jr. Eagles are excited to announce a player development partnership with Power Edge Pro Hockey (PEP). PEP’s Reactive Countering Training TM concept is the type of innovative skill development that will greatly impact our organization.
Home | Boston Junior Eagles › PageThe Boston Junior Eagles Girls Program was established in 2010 and has quickly become one of the most competitive AAA girls programs in New England. It offers the most comprehensive girls hockey development in the Boston area for the highly motivated and skilled youth hockey player.
Multi-Schedule | Boston Junior Eagles › TeamsSelectU16 Tier 1 (Moran) U16 Selects TIER 2: U15 ELITE: U15 Tier 1 (South) U14 ELITE: U14 TIER 1 (P) U14 TIER 1 (UG) 2008 ELITE: 2008 Tier 1: 2009 ELITE : 2009 TIER 1: 2010 ELITE: 2010 TIER 1: 2011 ELITE: 2011 Tier 1: 2012 ELITE: 2012 Tier 1: TEAM BOSTON 2013 ELITE: TEAM BOSTON 2013 Tier 1: TEAM BOSTON 2014 ELITE : 2015 Development: Select All