LAMBORGHINI: Boston Terrier · Bred down in size from pit-fighting dogs of the Bull and Terrier types, the Boston Terrier originally weighed up to 44 pounds (20 kg.) (Olde Boston Bulldogge).The breed was first shown in Boston in 1870. By 1889 the breed had become sufficiently popular in Boston that fanciers formed the American Bull Terrier Club, but this proposed name for ...
Boston Terrier - The Breed Archive Breed Archive for Boston Terriers is exclusively for provably pure-bred dogs registered with internationally recognised registries of purebred Boston Terriers. To keep our archive clear and reliable we cannot allow dogs without papers or mixes (except for ancient ancestors of the breed). For most of the world this means that the dogs must ...
Boston Terrier - The Breed Archive being official state dog of Massachusetts the Boston Terrier has been the official mascot of Boston University for nearly 100 years. Browse pedigrees and photos, analyse health and pedigrees, and contribute information to the archive. This is a remarkable tool, invaluable for all those of us who are fascinated by different breeds of ...
Boston Terrier - Wikipedia Boston terrier breed originated around 1875, when Robert C. Hooper of Boston purchased from Edward Burnett a dog named Judge (known later as Hooper's Judge), which was of a bull and terrier type lineage. Hooper's Judge is directly related to the original bull and terrier breeds of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The American Kennel Club cites Hooper's Judge as the ancestor of all true modern Boston Terriers.