Graduate Admissions | College of Engineering › eng › prospective-graduateGraduate Admissions The College of Engineering welcomes applications from prospective master’s and PhD students with diverse, unique backgrounds from across the world. Any well-qualified person with a four-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited US institution (or with the equivalent international education) is encouraged to apply.
Apply Now | BU MET - Boston University › met › admissionsWhen you are ready to submit your application materials as detailed above, you may apply online or by sending in a paper application. To apply by mail, download the application form or call 617-353-2980 to request a copy. Mail your completed application to: Boston University Metropolitan College. Student Services.
Graduate Education - Boston University Education. Graduate school is an adventure of intellectual discovery, discipline, and creative thought. Your journey, though it may seem epic, is not a solo mission. Whether you are looking for a graduate program, or you are already enrolled, this is your central place to connect with information and resources at Boston University.