Welcome to the History Department - Boston University
www.bu.edu › historyWelcome to the History Department. History embraces the sum of the human experience—politics, economics, religion, art, ideas, culture, social structures, and science. It is the goal of the Department of History to facilitate imaginative encounters with the past, which are essential to interpreting who we are and how we came to be.
History Department - Boston College
www.bc.edu › schools › mcasStudying history is important in order to fully understand the complexities of this modern globalized world. Students develop critical thinking skills, learn to write persuasively, and increase their cultural awareness. All of these skills are valued in any profession, so while students may decide to continue on to study history at a graduate ...
History - Boston University
https://www.bu.edu/historyBy any metric, the BU History Department ranks among the most productive and accomplished in the nation. Graduate Program Inside and outside of the university, the Boston area offers an engaging setting for graduate study. Honors Program Undergraduate Honors students have the opportunity to engage in deep, sustained research on a historical topic.