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boundary crossing and boundary objects

ERIC - EJ923790 - Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects ...
Although studies on boundary crossing and boundary objects emphasize that boundaries carry learning potential, it is not explicated in what way they do so. By reviewing this literature, this article offers an understanding of boundaries as dialogical phenomena. The review of the literature reveals four potential learning mechanisms that can take place at boundaries: identification, coordination, reflection, and transformation.
(PDF) Boundary crossing and boundary objects | Arthur Bakker ...
www.academia.edu › 454405 › Boundary_crossing_and
Similarly, Hoyles, Bakker, Kent, and Noss (2007) state that boundary crossing occurs "if these [boundary] objects facilitate communication between different activity systems by making explicit the knowledge and assumptions mobilized in the interpretation of the object" (p. 335).A second process that is strongly emphasized in studies focused on reflection is that a boundary creates a possibility to look at oneself through the eyes of other worlds.
ERIC - EJ923790 - Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects ...
Although studies on boundary crossing and boundary objects emphasize that boundaries carry learning potential, it is not explicated in what way they do so. By reviewing this literature, this article offers an understanding of boundaries as dialogical phenomena. The review of the literature reveals four potential learning mechanisms that can ...
(PDF) Boundary crossing and boundary objects | Arthur ...
Since 1995, however, the concepts of boundary crossing and boundary objects have been used in complementary ways by many scholars in educational sciences and educational psychology. In ERIC and PsycINFO we found a total of 21 different works published in or before 1995 in which there is a reference to boundary object(s) and/or boundary crossing.
Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects - Sanne F. Akkerman ...
journals.sagepub.com › doi › 10
Jun 01, 2011 · This challenge has been addressed by educational scholars with the notion of boundaries, particularly by the concepts of boundary crossing and boundary objects. Although studies on boundary crossing and boundary objects emphasize that boundaries carry learning potential, it is not explicated in what way they do so.
http://core.ac.uk › download › pdf
The literature on boundary crossing includes conceptual frameworks ... crossing boundaries, primarily via “boundary objects” (Star and Griesemer.
Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects - SAGE Journals
https://journals.sagepub.com › doi
Although boundary crossing usually refers to a person's transitions and interactions across different sites (Suchman, 1994), boundary objects ...
(PDF) Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects
www.researchgate.net › publication › 220041446
Although studies on boundary crossing and boundary objects emphasize that boundaries carry learning potential, it is not explicated in what way they do so. By reviewing this literature, this ...
Development of a Pedagogical Design Matrix for ICT-based ...
https://www.networkedlearning.aau.dk › 826415_...
ICT as boundary objects in relation to boundary crossing activities. In the first phase of the research project, interviewed VET teachers pointed to the ...
Boundary crossing and boundary objects. - APA PsycNET
https://psycnet.apa.org › record
Although studies on boundary crossing and boundary objects emphasize that boundaries carry learning potential, it is not explicated in what way they do so.
Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects - JSTOR
of boundary crossing and boundary objects have been used in complementary ways by many scholars in educational sciences and educational psychology. In ERIC and PsycINFO we found a total of 21 different works published in or before 1995 in which there is a reference to boundary object(s) and/or boundary crossing. The years 2007,2008, and 2009 ...
(PDF) Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects
1995 in which there is a reference to boundary object(s) and/or boundary crossing. The years 2007, 2008, and 2009 show 101, 109, and 113 publications, respectively , …
Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects - Sanne F. Akkerman ...
01.06.2011 · Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects. SANNE F. AKKERMAN has worked on this review study at the Freudenthal Institute for Science and Mathematics Education and is currently working as associate professor at the Department of Education of Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 8, 3584 CS, Utrecht, The Netherlands; e-mail: s.f.akkerman@uu.nl.
Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects - ResearchGate
https://www.researchgate.net › publication › 22004144...
Although studies on boundary crossing and boundary objects emphasize that boundaries carry learning potential, it is not explicated in what way they do so.
Boundary crossing pedagogy in STEM education
https://stemeducationjournal.springeropen.com › ...
These factors are situated learning, communities of practices, problem solving, learning dialogical processes, and boundary objects. A Hong Kong ...
Boundary crossing by design(ing) - Archive ouverte HAL
https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr › document
Keywords: Boundary crossing, boundary object, complex analysis, reflection, teacher education. Introduction. Many preservice teachers in ...
The Learning Potential of Boundary Crossing in the Context of ...
https://www.diva-portal.org › get › FULLTEXT01
boundary objects and encounters. Nothing in our study indicates that the boundary crossing identified on the intrapersonal and interpersonal ...
Boundary Objects and Beyond: Working with Leigh Star - MIT ...
https://direct.mit.edu › books › book
The multifaceted work of the late Susan Leigh Star is explored through a selection of her writings and essays by friends and colleagues.
Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects - JSTOR
www.jstor.org › stable › 23014366
potential forms of continuity across sites: boundary crossing and boundary objects. Although boundary crossing usually refers to a person's transitions and interac tions across different sites (Suchman, 1994), boundary objects refers to artifacts doing the crossing by fulfilling a bridging function (Star, 1989). Examples of boundary objects are a teacher portfolio as a means by which both the mentor and
Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects - Sanne F. Akkerman ...
Diversity and mobility in education and work present a paramount challenge that needs better conceptualization in educational theory. This challenge has …
Boundary objects and boundary crossing theory - MC ...
http://mc2-project.eu › index.php
Boundary objects and boundary crossing -> boundary crossing usually refers to a person's transitions and interactions across different sites ( ...