Dividends | Investors | Home - bp global
www.bp.com › en › globalUS dollar cash dividend per ADS (in US dollars) US$0.3276. Sterling cash dividend per ordinary share. GBP 0.039529. Dividend event - 2Q 2021. Date. 2Q 21 results and US dollar cash dividend announcement date. 03-Aug-21. Ex-dividend date for ordinary shareholders and ADS holders.
BP Aktiendividende - Investing.com
https://de.investing.com › equitiesEx-Dividenden-Tag, Dividende, Art, Zahlungsdatum, Rendite. 11.11.2021, 4,1045, 17.12.2021, 4,72%. 12.08.2021, 3,9529, 24.09.2021, 5,07%. 06.05.2021, 3,7118 ...
Dividend payment options | Investors | Home - bp global
www.bp.com › en › globalbp declares the dividend in US dollars. bp ordinary shareholders will receive the dividend in sterling and the amount they receive each quarter may vary as a result of changing foreign exchange rates. The exchange rate used to determine the sterling cash dividend is the average of the market rates over the 4 dealing days prior to the sterling ...
BP p.l.c (BP) - Dividenden, Dividendenrendite, Ex ...
finrange.com › ch › companyMay 04, 2021 · In addition, it produces and refines oil and gas; and invests in upstream, downstream, and alternative energy companies, as well as in advanced mobility, bio and low carbon products, carbon management, digital transformation, and power and storage areas. BP p.l.c. was founded in 1908 and is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom.