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https://www.bp.com/es_es/spainbp redujo sus emisiones un 16% en 2020 con respecto a 2019 según su informe anual de sostenibilidad La compañía ha impulsado notablemente su crecimiento en energía solar a través de Lightsource bp que cuenta, en la actualidad, con un total de 2,25 GW de proyectos en desarrollo o en construcción en España.
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https://www.bp.com/en_us/united-states/home.htmlbp and Grabango are integrating automated checkout into select Amoco and ampm stores. Check out the details. bp takes first major step into electrification in the US. bp has acquired AMPLY Power, an electric vehicle (EV) charging and energy management provider for fleets that operate trucks, transit and school buses, vans and light-duty vehicles.
https://www.bp.comOur purpose is reimagining energy for people and our planet. We want to help the world reach net zero and improve people's lives. We want to be an energy ...
BP - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BPBP plc (official styling BP p.l.c., formerly The British Petroleum Company plc and BP Amoco plc) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, England. It is one of the world's seven oil and gas "supermajors". It is a vertically integrated company operating in all areas of the oil and gas industry, including exploration and production, refining, distribution and marketing, power …
BP – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/BPBP plc (tidligere British Petroleum og for en kort tid kjent som BP Amoco) er et petroleumselskap med hovedkvarter i London, og er et av de fire største oljeselskapene i verden (sammen med Shell, ExxonMobil og Total). I desember 1998 slo BP seg sammen med det amerikanske oljeselskapet Amocoog dannet BP Amoco. Denne sammenslåing ble sett på som et oppkjøp av Amoco av BP, og ble kun kalt en sa…
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https://www.bp.comOur purpose is reimagining energy for people and our planet. We want to help the world reach net zero and improve people’s lives. We want to be an energy company with purpose; one that is trusted by society, valued by shareholders and motivating for everyone who works at bp.