Brėst - WikipediaėstLa prima volta che è stata nominata è nell'anno 1019, al tempo della guerra tra la città di Kiev e le altre città russe. Brėst è storicamente nota con il nome russo di epoca zarista, Brest Litovsk ("Brest Lituana", poiché la Bielorussia costituiva una parte dell'antico Granducato di Lituania), in ragione del trattato qui firmato il 3 marzo 1918 fra la Germania e la Russia bolscevica. Tra le due guerre mondiali, quando la città fece parte della Polonia, il nome ufficiale fu quello pol…
Brest, Belarus - Wikipedia › wiki › Brest,_BelarusBrest is a historical site for many cultures, as it hosted important historical events, such as the Union of Brest and Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Furthermore, the Brest Fortress was recognized by the Soviet Union as a Hero Fortress in honour of the defense of Brest Fortress in June 1941.
Brest, Belarus - Wikipedia,_BelarusThe city was founded by the Slavs.As a town, Brest – Berestye in Kievan Rus – was first mentioned in the Primary Chronicle in 1019 when the Kievan Rus took the stronghold from the Poles. It is one of the oldest cities in Belarus. It was hotly contested between the Polish rulers (kings, principal dukes and dukes of Masovia) and Kievan Rus princes, laid waste by the …
Brest Fortress, Belarus | › en › travelBrest Fortress was built in the 1830s-early 1840s at the meeting-point of the rivers Bug and Mukhavyets. During construction, the entire town was relocated to a new position 2km away. St Nicolas Church was built in 1851-1876. Much of it was severely damaged during World War 2. The site occupies more than four square km, although many of the ...
Brest (Bielorússia) - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliureússia)Brest, també Biérastse, Biarestse (bielorús: Брэст, també Бе́расце, Бярэ́сце; rus: Берестье, Бересть, Брест, transcrit: Bieriestie, Bieriest, Briest; polonès: Brześć; ucraïnès: Берестя, Бересть, transcrit: Berèstia, Berest; jiddisch: בּריסק; hebreu: ברסט ליטובסק;), històricament Brest-Litousk o Brest-Litovsk, també Brest sobre el Buh (bielorús: Брэст-Літоўск, Брэст-над-Бугам, transcrit: Brest-Litousk, Brest-nad-Búham; polonès: Brześć Litewski, Brześć nad Bugiem; ucraïnès: Брест-…