Brest-Litovsk - Jewish Virtual Library › brest-litovskBREST-LITOVSK (Brisk, Heb. בריסק דליטא; until 1921 Brest-Litovsk; from 1921 until 1939 Brześć nad Bugiem; after 1939 Brest), capital of Brest district, Belarus. In the medieval grand duchy of *Lithuania , from the 14 th to the 17 th centuries, in particular after the union of Poland and Lithuania in 1569, it was the main center of ...
Soviet Union - Brest-Litovsk | Britannica › place › Soviet-UnionSoviet Union - Soviet Union - Brest-Litovsk: One of Lenin’s highest priorities on coming to power was ending the war with the Central Powers. He feared that Russian soldiers, eager to return home to share in the distribution of looted land, would topple his regime if it continued the war. He also believed that an armistice on the Eastern Front would spark mutinies and strikes in the west ...
Brest (Hviterussland) – Wikipedia (hviterussisk: Брэст (Бе́расьце); russisk: Брест; polsk: Brześć; jiddisch: בריסק – Brisk), tidligere Brest-Litowsk (hviterussisk: Брэст-Літоўск) eller Brest-Litovsk (russisk: Брест-Литовск; polsk: Brześć Litewski), er en by (befolkning 290 000 i 2004) i Hviterussland tett ved grensen mot Polen der elvene Vestre Buh og Mukhavjets møtes. Byen er hovedstaden i Brest voblasts. Brest, som var et viktig knutepunkt på Sovjetunionenstid, er forblitt et viktig knutepunkt og kontro…
Brest, Belarus - Wikipedia › wiki › Brest,_BelarusBrest is a historical site for many cultures, as it hosted important historical events, such as the Union of Brest and Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Furthermore, the Brest Fortress was recognized by the Soviet Union as a Hero Fortress in honour of the defense of Brest Fortress in June 1941.