How to Install ngrok using brew on mac? - Upokary › how-to-install-ngrok-using-brew-on-macSep 16, 2019 · If the brew does not have ngrok available then try the brew graphical extension brew cask. $ brew cask install ngrok This should successfully install the ngrok. How to start http with ngrok. Let say we an app running on port 8080 locally and we want create a public URL for our local app. We can simply run the following command: $ ngrok http 8080 If it connects properly it will show the following status on the console:
Brew Ngrok - › brew-ngrokDec 21, 2021 · $ brew cask install ngrok Then run it from the shell using this command: $ ngrok http 8000 With this command, you're telling ngrok to basically create a tunnel to your localhost 8000 and assign an internet name host for it. Brew cask install ngrok While that's installing, go ahead and sign up for an account on their site.