Jobs and opportunities | BFI › jobsThe BFI takes our responsibility to engage and develop our employees seriously.. We carry out a range of activities to facilitate this. All employees are appraised each year and agree objectives and a development plan with their line manager.
BFI homepage | BFI · Our cinemas are now reopened, and we can’t wait to welcome you back to the big screen safely. The BFI National Archive has one of the most important film and TV collections in the world. Choose from a selection of 11,000 titles that cover 120 years of British life, and the history and art of film ...
Engels CSE GL en TL - Examenblad › 9336115 › d1 De British Film Industry heeft nieuwe films van Hitchcock ontdekt in Hertfordshire. 2 De British Film Industry voorziet de oude Hitchcock films van geluid. 3 Stomme films werden vroeger zelden bewaard. 4 Films zonder geluid werden gemaakt van kostbaar materiaal. 1p 6 Kies bij 6 in de tekst het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden.