Broken DAG: [/home/airflow/gcs/dags/] No module named settings ... (e.g. "from settings import foo") for Python modules we copy into the dags folder?
Broken DAG: (…) No module named docker. Asked 5 Months ago Answers: 5 Viewed 319 times I have BigQuery connectors all running, but I have some existing scripts in Docker containers I wish to schedule on Cloud Composer instead of App Engine Flexible. I have the below script that ...
05.06.2021 · Any other path has to be added to system path, as described in airflow module management. For sake of simplicity, I added my module to AIRFLOW_HOME/plugins and I can import them successfully. from mymodule import my_method So, in your case, if you rename configurations to plugins and update import statement into DAG,
08.05.2018 · Broken DAG: (...) No module named docker. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 year ago. Viewed 8k times 9 2. I have BigQuery connectors all running, but I have some existing scripts in Docker containers I wish to schedule on Cloud Composer instead of App Engine Flexible. I have the below ...
I have BigQuery connectors all running, but I have some existing scripts in Docker containers I wish to schedule on Cloud Composer instead of App Engine ...
This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. The accepted answer works in almost all cases to validate DAGs and debug errors if any. If you are using docker-compose to run airflow, you should do this: docker-compose exec airflow airflow list_dags. It runs the same command inside the running container. Share.
08.08.2019 · I am new in python and airflow, I am using GCP composer environment for creating a DAG. In this python code I created two task one is for reading a zip or csv file another one for creating a dataproc cluster.
I received 'Broken DAG: No module named psycopg2' error. We recommend the following steps: Test your DAGs, custom plugins, and Python dependencies locally ...