bronies.czOživení 03.08.2021, 07:47 od ElementalCX: Ohodnoťte práci týmu. Víte, kdo se podílí na provozu tohoto webu? Pochvalte/pohaňte nás zde ;) 8: 129:
Bronies | DeviantArt › broniesEverypony is welcome. This is a group for all fans of My Little Pony, male and female. We also have a chatroom called bronies on deviantart message network. It can be found Here. Enjoy your time he...
What is a brony?
https://www.whatisabrony.comWhat do Bronies do? Bronies are known for their creative works. Art, music, animation, and fan fiction are just a few things bronies create based around their favorite characters or original characters which they create themselves. There is so much brony-created content that much of it actually rivals the show itself.
Urban Dictionary: Brony · A fan of the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Often male, but female fans are not uncommon. (plural: bronies) Bronies usually show a want to be accepted as normal people, but don't appear to realise that to be treated the same as anyone else, they need to stop making sure everyone knows and remembers that they are a brony at all times, without fail.
Brony - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre › wiki › BronyLos bronies suelen dividirse según la influencia de esta afición en su vida. En un extremo están las personas que mantienen su gusto por esta serie en secreto por miedo a ser rechazados socialmente, mientras que en el extremo opuesto está la gente que se relaciona con otros bronies y muestra su afición por esta serie sin darle importancia ...