Maintenance | Boston University Housing › housing › servicesWe want to make sure your requests are being addressed. If a traditional-style room or suite needs common supplies, such as light bulbs, fuses, or toilet paper, the residence office should be contacted. For emergencies only, call the Facilities Management & Operations 24-hour service line: 617-353-2105.
CAMMS (Computer Aided Maintenance ... - Boston University › tech › servicesRequests and requirements can be initiated by contacting Facilities Management & Operations directly by phone or by defining and submitting a work order request through CAMMS. Further information and detailed instructions, as well as a link to enter a request directly into CAMMS, can be found at the Facilities Management & Operations Request ...
Submit a maintenance request » Washington, DC | Boston ... · Urgent issues can include: fire, flood, power outage, roof or ceiling leak, too hot/too cold indoor and/or unusual noise or odor from heating/cooling vents, toilet stopped/overflowing, broken lock, broken window or door. Things that are NOT an emergency include: unpleasant or inconvenient situations that are not life-threatening, repair or replacement of paint, plaster, …