Jan 05, 2022 · Commentary It's not Ho-Ho-Ho but rather Hold-Hold-Hold during the holidays for health insurance policyholders The Property & Casualty insurance world is creating systems to coordinate straight ...
• The local medical men did not object, but rather commended them for their cheapness. • For insider dealing does not lack victims but rather, credible plaintiffs. • Sometimes, however, the diagnosis is not hidden but rather softened. • What mathematicians want from infinitesimals is not material existence but rather the right to use ...
It lacks the darkness of a true blues song but rather has the tender sort of heartbreak of a folk song.: I don't mean so much when we have completed a degree, but rather when we are still studying. It recognizes we cannot afford to avoid all risk, but rather must manage the critical risks. So the first phase of emergence is rarely a wholehearted embrace of freedom but rather …
High quality example sentences with “but rather that” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write ...
phrase. 1. (general) a. sino más bien. It wasn't the honey, but rather all the butter that made the cake delicious.No fue la miel, sino más bien la mantequilla que hizo delicioso el pastel. b. sino. I prefer not to live in New York but rather to visit.Prefiero no vivir en Nueva York sino visitarlo.
To be very honest, grammar is too complex to put it into little rules, you can say “ but rather to” or “but rather than”. Both mean and express the same ...
• However, the foreign exchange earnings on tourism did increase in 1989, not from IR£150m but rather by this figure. • The local medical men did not object, but rather commended them for their cheapness. • For insider dealing does not lack victims but rather, credible plaintiffs. • Sometimes, however, the diagnosis is not hidden but ...
Sep 13, 2020 · The phrase “but rather” is used in a similar way to “however.”. This phrase serves to show contrast between two ideas, and essentially means “on the other hand” or “in fact.”. To use this phrase grammatically in a sentence, a comma must be placed before the “but.”. Optionally, the word “rather” may be placed in between a ...
Job offers came in but rather than running off to the US or London, Dorren kept his feet on the ground. There are cabins, so beautiful, so big and well designed ...
However, rather interrupts the sentence and does need to be set apart by commas. John does not help out but, rather, sits and plays games all day. This would be the correct way of punctuating this sentence. In fact, the link given in the first comment seems to support this point. It says...
Synonyms for but rather include instead, rather, contradictorily, in contrast, the other way round, quite the opposite, to the contrary, just the opposite, conversely and contrariwise. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!