Buypass | Developer Pages › buypassAug 31, 2021 · Buypass ID in mobile # Smart card (Smartkort) Buypass Smartkort is a personal smart card loaded with a certificate. You need a smart card reader to use this to authenticate or sign documents. # Buypass mobile app. As an alternative to smart cards, Buypass offers a mobile app that the user can use to authenticate instead of the smart card ...
Buypass ID | sperre Buypass ID på smartkort; Feilkoder; Åpningstider Mandag - Fredag 08:00 - 15:30. Grønt nummer 800 30 300. Tjenesten er gratis fra fasttelefon i Norge. Fra utlandet: +47 24 05 56 03. E-post NB! Ikke send sensitive opplysninger om deg selv og din elektroniske ID på e-post.