Buypass - Min Side › minsideBuypass - Min Side. Buypass AS er godkjent i henhold til datasikkerhetsstandarden PCI DSS, utarbeidet av bl.a. Visa, MasterCard og American Express. All informasjon krypteres.
Kortleserdrivere | Buypass AS › ressurser › nedlastingKortleserdrivere. Her finner du drivere til de typer kortlesere som Buypass leverer. Dette er drivere for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 og Windows 10. Typebenevnelse for din kortleser finner du på baksiden av kortleseren. Kortlesere av typen PC USB TR, PC Twin USB og IDBridge CT30 bruker driveren PC USB TR Buypass.
Card reader drivers | › downloads › card-reader-driversCard reader drivers. Here you will find drivers for the types of card readers that Buypass delivers. These are drivers for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Typewriter for your card reader is located on the back of the card reader. Card reader PC USB TR, PC Twin USB and IDBridge CT30 use the PC USB TR Buypass driver.
Buypass ID in mobile | the app and use your Buypass ID Activate the app and go to the service you want to use (such as Altinn). Select Buypass ID for Mobile at login and follow the instructions. You will need the activation code and the password you created when registering. Get started - for those who have used Buypass before Download Buypass ID app