Episode Order - Buzzsprout Help
https://www.buzzsprout.com/help/49-episode-orderEpisode Order. In Buzzsprout, we organize your episodes based on their publish date. If you need to change the order of your episodes then you will want to update the publish date to get the desired order. Once the publish dates are changed in Buzzsprout it may take up to 24 hours to see the order change in your listings. Note: If any two ...
Schedueling podcast episodes - Buzzsprout Help
https://www.buzzsprout.com/help/4-scheduleYou can upload an episode to Buzzsprout and schedule it to go live sometime in the future. When you’re uploading your episode, select the "Schedule for future" option. The episode will show appear on your Episodes page and will display the date it will be published. You can always change the publish date, and even remove shows from your feed by "Unpublishing" them. Note: …