I discuss some tips and best practices around podcast description, tags, artwork, and proper labeling. Buzzsprout makes it easy and clear so you don't miss ...
Buzzsprout is the easiest way to start a podcast. It gets your podcast online and into Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Then you can track your show with the most advanced podcast statistics.
09.12.2021 · Buzzsprout will automatically add ID3 tags and convert your file to the right file format and encoding. However, if you're on Libsyn, Blubrry’s Wordpress Powerpress Plugin, SoundCloud, or another podcast hosting service, you'll need to …
Automatic episode optimization. Don't worry about filetypes, bitrates, or ID3 tags. Just upload your audio file, and Buzzsprout will optimize your episodes ...
Upload a New Episode. So you know what your podcast is about, you have started recording your episodes and you are ready to upload your episode to Buzzsprout!
Large Player. Where it says &order=date is what you would add and change "date" to whatever you would like to sort your episodes by. For example, if you wanted to sort by title, you would replace "date" with "title". If you run into any issues with this, shoot us an email at support@buzzsprout.com and we will help you out!
Enter your tags (separated by a comma) and be sure to hit save when you are done. Once your tags are added, you can go to the Players page and customize the embed player for all your episodes tagged with "Interview". Now just click Copy Embed Code and you will have the code for your custom player. The code generated will give you your ...
Customize Using Tags. You can select custom tags to display in your player from the options setting dropdown under the Players tab or add them manually:.
Creating Custom Players · Click the episode that you would like to tag on your Episodes page. · Click Edit and scroll down until you find the tags field. · Once ...