After editing, you may need delete this file using File.Delete(), or move this file to other path using File.Move(), or re-load the content from this file by File.ReadAllText(). If the file stream is not disposed, all the action later would cause the IOException: The process cannot access the file 'filename' because it is being used by another ...
I am trying to delete a file in C#, however I am receiving a message that the file is used from another process. What I want to do is to check if the files ...
As you describe in the question the only way is to try to open the file first to see if it used by another process. You can use this method I implemented ...
28.08.2018 · But there is some slight difference in both behaviors. For example -- Connection Class. If close method is called than it will disconnect with database and release all resources being used by connection object and open method will …
22.10.2013 · Solution 1. First check if the file exists (File.Exists) if so try to open for write within try and catch block, if exception is generated then it is used by another process. However finding something through exception is not the best way!
I am trying to manage files in my web application. Sometimes, I must create a file in a folder (with File.Copy):File.Copy(@oldPath, @newPath); And a few ...
Berkeley virtual memory UNIX systems employ a procedure known as “ paging ... A modification of the normal C compiler called LINT can be used to detect ...
Mar 31, 2009 · Is there any way to determine when file will be free which used by another process in c#. Tuesday, March 13, 2012 7:04 AM text/html 3/13/2012 8:30:52 AM Tarun00007 0
Sep 26, 2017 · Currently i am working on my application auto update feature. So when i am trying to delete the folder, throwing exception that used by another process. So i am planning to check if folder used by another process, i will skip the auto update feature. How to check a folder is being used by another process. I am getting exception while using ...
Create a work request folder of local design which will be used for containing ... functions that are assigned to process and review the work request . c .
20.01.2016 · C# File being used by another process. ... i made a program just like this the other week same directory and everything uac is also disabled on my pc . That's a bad mistake there as the machine is wide open to attack if you are also using the machine to surf the Web.
Feb 01, 2017 · C# delete files being used by another process. ... in place to check if that particular directory no longer exists remove from combobox and move to next batch or ...
31.12.2020 · On the General tab, find the Read-only option. If the option is checked, uncheck it, and click OK. If the Read-only option isn't checked, or the option is checked but cannot be unchecked, it's likely you're not the owner of the file or folder. If another person is the owner, that person must delete the file or folder, or they grant you permission.
25.09.2017 · Currently i am working on my application auto update feature. So when i am trying to delete the folder, throwing exception that used by another process. So i am planning to check if folder used by another process, i will skip the auto update feature. How to check a folder is being used by another process. I am getting exception while using ...
System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\Chris\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects ame ame\bin\Debug ames.xml' because it is being used by another process.
09.06.2007 · For instance another developer is running an executable in a console window in a folder, and my C# code wants to delete that folder. I get the exception: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.