intercambioidiomasonline.com › wp-content › uploadsC1 UNITS OF STUDY The DIFFICULT part about the C1 exam is that the units of study are not fixed; anything can be in the exam. The lucky part is knowing all of the information in each part and using your skills to talk about unfamiliar topics. UNIT LEARNING TOPIC VOCABULARY 1 SOCIAL ISSUES Contextual, collocations, phrasal verbs, word patterns,
Level C1 Grammar List - ToE
www.toe.gr › mod › resourceNote the emergence of post-modification patterns at C1. FORM: ADVERB + ADVERB Can modify a wide range of adverbs with other adverbs. Corrected Learner Examples Even the beautiful, attractive cover and the extra Audio CD aren’t enough to justify the slightly higher price, especially because the value of this game will drop extremely rapidly.