Cabinet can be followed by a singular or a plural verb: The cabinet has been discussing the plans. The cabinet have been discussing the plans. 2 DHH a piece of furniture with doors and shelves or drawers, used for storing or showing things SYN cupboard ...
26.01.2018 · In British English, “company” (like “firm,” “committee,” “government,” “cabinet,” and many other words) is regarded as a collective noun that’s singular in form but can be treated as plural. So you’ll find both singular and plural references to companies in British English—often in the same news story.
◊ In British English, cabinet in this sense is sometimes used with a plural verb. The Cabinet are meeting now. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example ...
cabinet. The plural form of cabinet is cabinets . Find more words! She hurried over to one of the cabinets, not waiting for an answer, and pulled out a bottle of witch hazel and two clean rags. Volatile solvents must be stored in fire safety cabinets with venting to the outside of the building where possible.
Previous Page Does the word Government take a singular or plural verb? By Mrs. Maria Rita : Vijayawada - India Nouns such as government, committee, group, clan and family are used to refer both to a whole group as a singular entity and to the members of the group. So these words can take either a singular or plural verbs depending on the contexts. ...
. (usually the Cabinet). [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of senior members of a government that is responsible for advising and deciding on ...
We often use singular nouns referring to groups of people (for example: team, government) as if they were plural - because we may think of the group as ...
cabinet meaning, definition, what is cabinet: the politicians with ... Cabinet can be followed by a singular or a plural verb: The cabinet has been ...
[countable + singular or plural verb] a group of senior members of a government that is responsible for advising and deciding on government policy a cabinet meeting (British English) a cabinet minister (British English) the shadow Cabinet (= the most important members of the opposition party)