how to calculate the probability › matlabcentral › answersJun 20, 2021 · Helpful (0) If we have data then, the following MATLAB code can find probability. %Create data. x=1.1:0.001:1.8; x=x';% because fitdist function needs column vector. % Fit the probability distribution function. % Here I have assumed normal distribution. pd = fitdist (x,'Normal'); % mean and standard deviation are two parameters.
finding probability in Matlab - - MathWorks › 734...finding probability in Matlab . Learn more about random number generator, probability, randi, array, random, rand, common, answer, intersect, basic, genes, ...
Working with Probability Distributions - MATLAB & Simulink
The exams are scored on a scale of 0 to 100. Create a vector containing the first column of exam grade data. x = grades (:,1); Fit a normal distribution to the sample data by using fitdist to create a probability distribution object. pd = …