Can't install kivy on Termux : termux after some your insights (and hours googling for references), i brought my android tablet (xiaomi pad 5), installing termux and some packages (php, nodejs, mariadb, vim, git, tmux), and it works flawlessly as i hoped, it's really nice setup. the only issue is tab can't switching easily with keyboard shortcut like alt+tab, so bit annoying, but for termux itself is really nice.
terminal - Package installation in Termux - Android ... › questions › 204117Step 1: Add the its-pointless package repository. I copy/paste the following text to Termux, hit enter, and the console spits confirmation text, and it appears everything works fine. pkg install curl gnupg mkdir -p "$PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" echo "deb termux extras" > "$PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pointless.list" curl "" | apt-key add.
Python - Termux Wiki Termux Python v3.x can be installed by executing pkg install python Legacy, deprecated version 2.7.x can be installed by pkg install python2 Warning: upgrading major/minor version of Python package, for example from Python 3.8 to 3.9, …