Praksisinformasjon - BLU for praksisfeltet. Dette er ei heimeside i læringsplattforma Canvas for praksisfeltet ved barnehagelærarutdanninga, Høgskulen i Volda. Her kan praksislærarar og styrarar finne generell informasjon om praksis og informasjon om praksis for kvart årssteg, som for eksempel vurderingsskjema til utfylling og informasjon frå praksisførebuande møte.
Front | Høgskulen i Volda · 02. September 2021. Join the Social Autumn! At Volda University College, we are commited to our students' well-being. We offer a range of services to ensure that everyone has a safe, enjoyable and stress-free time studying - including the Welfare group, which is made up of a number of people who are concerned about your well-being. 22.
CANVAS - · Volda University College has started using Canvas as its LMS platform (Learing Management System), replacing Fronter from the autumn semester of 2017. Fronter will remain available for those who want to access old course information.