Cardiac output – The amount of blood the heart pumps through the circulatory system in one minute. Cardiologist – A doctor who specializes in the study of the heart and its function in health and disease. Cardiology – The study of the heart and its function in health and disease. Cardiomegaly – An enlarged heart.
Cardiology – The study of the heart and its function in health and disease. Cardiomegaly – An enlarged heart. It is usually a sign of an underlying problem, ...
Cardiac: Pertaining to the heart. Cardiac Arrest: When the heart stops beating. Cardiac Catheterization: The process of examining the heart by introducing a thin tube (catheter) into a vein or artery and passing it into the heart. Cardiology: The study of the heart and its functions in health and disease.
Cardiology Glossary Of Terms. A. Aneurysm: A sac-like protrusion from a blood vessel or the heart, resulting from a weakening of the vessel wall or heart muscle. Angina: The medical term for chest pain due to coronary heart disease, a condition in which the heart muscle doesn't receive enough blood, resulting in pain in the chest.
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) — Death due to cardiac causes within 1 hour of the onset of symptoms, with no prior warning. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) — A rapid heartbeat originating from above the ventricles. Syncope — Fainting, loss of consciousness, or dizziness which may be due to a change in cardiac rhythm (arrhythmia) or other causes.
Tachycardia Rapid heartbeat. · Tachypnea Rapid breathing. · Tamponade An emergency situation that occurs when blood or fluid fills the pericardial sac surrounding ...
Glossary. | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |. Acquired Heart Disease - Disease of the ...
List of Cardiology Terms. STUDY. Flashcards. Learn. Write. Spell. Test. PLAY. Match. Gravity. Created by. molford. A glossary of standard terms used in the fields of cardiology and cardiac surgery. Terms in this set (231) Ablation. Elimination or removal.
Cardiac Arrest — Failure of the heart to pump blood through the body. If left untreated, it is dangerous and life-threatening. Cardioversion — The process of restoring the heart's normal rhythm by applying a controlled electric shock to the exterior of the chest. Chronic lead — A pacemaker or ICD lead which has been implanted in the past.
Cardiology Glossary Of Terms · Aneurysm: A sac-like protrusion from a blood vessel or the heart, resulting from a weakening of the vessel wall or heart muscle.
Saphenous Vein. The saphenous vein is a vein located in the leg/s and used for coronary artery bypass surgery. · Septum. The septum is the muscular wall ...
Common medical terms for cardiology Angina - Medical term for chest pain or discomfort due to coronary heart disease.Angina is a symptom of a condition called myocardial ischemia. It occurs when the heart muscle (myocardium) doesn't get as much blood (hence as much oxygen) as it needs for a given level
Common medical terms for cardiology Angina - Medical term for chest pain or discomfort due to coronary heart disease. Angina is a symptom of a condition called myocardial ischemia. It occurs when the heart muscle (myocardium) doesn't get as much blood (hence as much oxygen) as it needs for a given level of work.