Catalysis Letters | Home · Catalysis Letters is an international journal devoted to the development of catalysis and to providing a platform for the exchange of seminal ideas and advances in heterogeneous, homogeneous, and bio-related catalysis. Our aim is to stimulate the cross-fertilization of ideas in order to bring the various sub-disciplines closer together and to facilitate the rapid dissemination …
ACS Catalysis Catalysts. Photocatalysts (209) Nanocatalysts (13) Organocatalysts (8) Heterogeneous catalysts (6) Catalyst supports (6) Photocatalysis. Photocatalysts (209) Catalytic reactions (215) Catalytic activity (141) Hydrosilylation (52) Biocatalysis (32) Heterogeneous catalysis (21) Electrocatalysis (17) Catalytic performance (12 ...
Catalysts | An Open Access Journal from MDPI is a peer-reviewed open access journal of catalysts and catalyzed reactions published monthly online by MDPI. The Romanian Catalysis Society (RCS) are partners of Catalysts journal and its members receive a discount on the article processing charge.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
RSC Journals Home our journals. The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes 48 peer-reviewed journals that cover the core chemical sciences including related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics.
American Journal of Catalysis | Catalysis Journals
catalysisjournal.comAmerican Journal of Catalysis is the peer reviewed journal in the field of catalysis and a great source of information for chemists and chemical engineers in both industrial and academic fields. Over the last decade, American Journal of Catalysis has been one of the top chemical engineering journals.