cattrs - cattrs 1.11.dev0 documentation › en › latestcattrs comes with preconfigured converters for a number of serialization libraries, including json, msgpack, bson, yaml and toml. For details, see the cattr.preconf package. Additional documentation¶ On structured and unstructured data, or the case for cattrs. Why I use attrs instead of pydantic. Credits¶
GitHub - zeburek/cattrs-3.8 · cattrs is an open source Python library for structuring and unstructuring data. cattrs works best with attrs classes and the usual Python collections, but other kinds of classes are supported by manually registering converters. Python has a rich set of powerful, easy to use, built-in data types like dictionaries, lists and tuples.
cattrs · PyPI · cattrs is an open source Python library for structuring and unstructuring data. cattrs works best with attrs classes, dataclasses and the usual Python collections, but other kinds of classes are supported by manually registering converters. Python has a rich set of powerful, easy to use, built-in data types like dictionaries, lists and tuples.
typecats · PyPI · A Cat is an attrs class with a defined set of attributes that will be structured from raw data, and as of cattrs 1.0.0rc0, unexpected keys are silently dropped in order to prevent users from needing to sanitize their data before structuring (as opposed to being a runtime error).
cattrs-3.8 · PyPI · cattrs is an open source Python library for structuring and unstructuring data. cattrs works best with attrs classes and the usual Python collections, but other kinds of classes are supported by manually registering converters. Python has a rich set of powerful, easy to use, built-in data types like dictionaries, lists and tuples.
cattrs · PyPI › project › cattrsJan 03, 2022 · cattrs is an open source Python library for structuring and unstructuring data. cattrs works best with attrs classes, dataclasses and the usual Python collections, but other kinds of classes are supported by manually registering converters. Python has a rich set of powerful, easy to use, built-in data types like dictionaries, lists and tuples.