Ubuntu系统怎么配置DNS - 系统运维 - 亿速云
https://www.yisu.com/zixun/466765.html22.08.2021 · 设置Ubuntu DNS 修改/etc/resolv.conf,在其中加入 nameserver DNS的地址1 nameserver DNS的地址2完成。 这样设置之后,下次开机时候似乎IP又会发生变化。 一、使用命令设置Ubuntu的ip地址 1. 设置IP sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask 这样就算设置好了网卡eth0的IP地址和子网掩码 2. 设置网关 sudo route add default gw 3. …
What is the proper way to change the DNS IP? - Ask Ubuntu
askubuntu.com › questions › 2321Aug 15, 2010 · A little context to this answer: I was trying to figure out what file gets edited when I add a DNS server in the GUI's DNS settings, so I was running this command for 16+ hours: sudo grep -rs "" / which was scanning all files on my Ubuntu virtual machine but it never finished even after running that long, but I knew it's possible that ...