Change into passive - English Grammar › change-passiveOct 20, 2016 · Change them into the passive voice. 1. He has bought a fiat car. 2. I put down the pen. 3. I saw a hut at a distance. 4. All of them welcomed the suggestion enthusiastically. 5. Most of my friends have watched this movie. 6. The teacher appreciated the boy’s work. 7. Somebody has stolen the bicycle. 8. The police finally caught the notorious thief.
Online Passive Voice Converter
www.passivevoiceconverter.comAny sentence in which the subject is not in the active form and the object takes the position of the subject while the subject is acted upon by the verb is called a passive voice sentence. In a passive voice sentence, the subject of an active voice sentence acts as an indirect object acted upon by the verb, and the object of the sentence takes the place of the direct subject. An example of a passive voice sentence is shown below: “An essay is written by me”
Online Passive Voice Converter
https://www.passivevoiceconverter.comProper use of the passive voice sentences would leave an awesome impression on the readers. The main reasons of why to find and use a passive converter tool include: Passive to active voice converter online is very fast to use and instant to access online passive checker tool. A very easy and simple way to use it for free of charge.