Chebyshev's Theorem › site › math117This relationship is described by Chebyshev's Theorem: For every population of n values and real value k > 1, the proportion of values within k standard deviations of the mean is at least. 1 − 1 k 2. As an example, for any data set, at least 75% of the data will like in the interval ( x ¯ − 2 s, x ¯ + 2 s). To see why this is true, suppose a population of n values consists of n 1 values of x 1, n 2 values of x 2, etc. (i.e., n i values of each different x i in the population).
Solving Word Problems Involving Chebyshev's Theorem › stem › Solving-Word-ProblemsFeb 09, 2012 · A graduate of Master in Education with Mathematics as major from the De La Salle University- Manila, Philippines. A PRC licensed teacher. Chebyshev’s theorem states that the proportion or percentage of any data set that lies within k standard deviation of the mean where k is any positive integer greater than 1 is at least 1 – 1/k^2. Below are four sample problems showing how to use Chebyshev's theorem to solve word problems.
CHEBYSHEV’S THEOREM AND BERTRAND’S POSTULATE › Mathematics › lg5for all integers n 2. This looks a lot like the upper bound in Chebyshev’s theorem2.1, in that it’s bounding the number of primes in an interval of length n. Trouble is, it’s not the interval we want: we’ve counted primes in (n;2n], whereas Chebyshev’s theorem counts primes in (0;n]. This problem is surmountable: Exercise 8.