Chebyshev’s Inequality - UCB Mathematics › ~rhzhao › 10BSpring19Chebyshev’s Inequality Concept 1.Chebyshev’s inequality allows us to get an idea of probabilities of values lying near the mean even if we don’t have a normal distribution. There are two forms: P(jX j<k˙) = P( k˙<X< + k˙) 1 1 k2 P(jX j r) Var(X) r2: The Pareto distribution is the PDF f(x) = c=xp for x 1 and 0 otherwise. Then this is a ...
2.5 The Empirical Rule and Chebyshev’s Theorem › wetherbee › books2.5 The Empirical Rule and Chebyshev’s Theorem LEARNING OBJECTIVES To learn what the value of the standard devia on of a data set implies about how the data sca er away from the mean as described by the Empirical Rule and Chebyshev’s Theorem. 1. To use the Empirical Rule and Chebyshev’s Theorem to draw conclusions about a data set. 2.