Chem - Elsevier › journals › personalSNIP measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. Impact Factor: 22.804. Impact Factor. The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years.
Chem - Elsevier, a sister journal to Cell, provides a home for seminal and insightful research and showcases how fundamental studies in chemistry and its sub-disciplines may help in finding potential solutions to the global challenges of tomorrow. Chem publishes work from across the chemical sciences and at the interfaces between chemistry and other disciplines.
Chemical Physics - Elsevier for publication in Chemical Physics are novelty, quality and general interest in experimental and theoretical chemical physics and physical chemistry.Articles are welcome that deal with problems of electronic and structural dynamics, reaction mechanisms, fundamental aspects of catalysis, solar energy conversion and chemical reactions in general, involving atoms, molecules, …
FlatChem - Journal - Elsevier - Chemistry of Flat Materials, a new voice in the community, publishes original and significant, cutting-edge research related to the chemistry of graphene and related 2D & layered materials.The overall aim of the journal is to combine the chemistry and applications of these materials, where the submission of communications, full papers, and concepts should contain …
EnergyChem - Journal - Elsevier Qiang Xu. The journal will invite review articles in all areas of chemistry, chemical engineering and materials science related to the design, production and use of materials for energy applications in a chemistry context, the priority areas include: Sustainable utilization of raw materials. Waste reduction, waste capture and recycling.