Studies - Department of Chemical Engineering - NTNU engineering involves the transformation of energy and raw materials into valuable and useful products in a sustainable way. The Department of Chemical Engineering is the main institution for education of master candidates within chemical engineering in Norway. We graduate highly qualified candidates who contribute to the development of ...
PhD programme in Chemical Engineering - NTNU › studies › phkjprosThe Department of Chemical Engineering is partner in three Gemini Centres. The aim if the centres is to build larger and more robust academic environments with higher quality. The environments will be better to seize and develop new opportunities, and the partners will increase the competitiveness and value creation of the partnership.
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi - NTNU for kjemisk prosessteknologi tar kjemien fra labskala til industriell produksjon. Dette krever et bredt spekter av kunnskap, fra molekylære prosesser og nanoteknologi til bygging og drift av store prosessanlegg. Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi er et av åtte institutter ved Fakultet for naturvitenskap.
Department of Chemical Engineering - NTNU › Sem Sælandsvei 4, Kjemiblokk 5, 101B. Address. Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU N- 7491 Trondheim, NORWAY. Contact information and management Employees at the Department of Chemical Engineering What is Chemical Engineering? What is Chemical Engineering at NTNU?